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7 Steps to Take Massive Action In The Last 60 Days of 2012


We are about 60 days till the end of 2012, when we will be celebrating the New Year and your successes. What do you want to celebrate on December 31st? What do you want to accomplish from now until December 31st? Invest a few minutes in the next few days to evaluate your current goals, take stock, measure where you are, and re-commit to where you are going for the remainder of the year.

Send me your biggest accomplishments to date, what are your top three goals for November and top three goals for December, and what are your compelling reasons for wanting to achieve these goals.

The topic thread for this month, November, is Treat Your Business like a Business Not a Hobby.

This one concept in Network Marketing / MLM is so important because for many, this is a second business, at best a part-time business.   In order to maximize your earning potential it will be important that you take all the steps that are necessary to build any successful business. And the first one is treating your business like a business.  If you want a hobby there are many more things you could focus on that would take much less energy, focus, commitment, drive and vision.

The top 7 steps to create a solid foundation for your business are:  

1.  Create and know your Mission and Intention.
2.  Know and record your WHY.
3.  Create your Core Marketing Message for your Target Market.
4.  Create your marketing and Sales Strategy.
5   Time block your time for maximum effectiveness.
6.  Get Support.

a)    Read Network Marketing/MLM Marketing/Sales Books

b)   Read Network Marketing/MLM  Marketing/Sales Magazines

c)    Listen to  Network Marketing/MLM  Marketing/Sales Tapes

d)    Network Marketing/MLM  Marketing/Sales Classes

e)    Attend Annual and Regional Network Marketing/MLM  conferences

f)     Attend Weekly Network Marketing/MLM Marketing Company Teleconferences.
Hire a Coach or get a mentor.

7.  Track your actions!

Each one of the steps actually holds a secret tool that could catapult your business in far less time and leverage you for great success.  The thing is, YOU MUST DO THEM. There are no short cuts.

The great thing is these are basics.  Working in Network Marketing is really a gift. It is simple. Just takes time and focus.  YOU CAN DO THAT!

If up to now you have not treated your business like a business, tell me what you will change.  And, if you have treated it like a business, share which of the steps made the biggest impact in helping you get the results that you wanted. If there is still more to go, which step needs more of your attention?

A sneak preview for December. This is the time to make a year-end review and a projection of how you will create the next steps in your personal and professional life for 2013.  The steps you take in strategically planning where you will take your business will be fun and infused with joy.  This will all happen because you are treating your business like a business.

Thanks for visiting Blooming Fortune, Network Marketing Wealth Builders.

Much Success!!!


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