I have found that sometimes working for yourself can be a difficult task. Here are some things that I’ve found to be harder than working a JOB.
- The hours are often longer than at a job.
- The health benefits aren’t paid by another company.
- And sometimes the boss can be a real (hard ass). is this ok to say??
The commitment to work for yourself no matter if it is full time, part time or building your dreams from a hobby can be HARD.
I saw this image on Facebook the other day on a friend’s timeline.
I really liked it- I think it is a good reminder that the pros often outweigh the cons of building your dreams when you look at the bigger picture.
BUT another difficult part of working for yourself over a job is there is no one else to point fingers to… no one else to blame for our inaction and or our lack of follow through.
Throughout my years of business, this is something that I have found often stings the strongest with myself and other business owners. So how do we stay on track? Run the course? and keep showing up to work?
Do just want the image says! We have to be committed. I looked up the definition of commitment to help me understand deeper, and I hope that it helps you also.
I think the first definition is the one you were likely expecting, “being dedicated” yes of course. Same as going to a job five days a week, this is not a surprise.
But were you ready for the second one? Hope you are holding on tight, get ready for this… In order to work for ourselves and keep moving toward our dreams, no matter how big or small they may feel, WE MUST have “restrict freedom of actions” – “Ahhhhh but nooooo, that’s why I decided to work for myself! I like my three hour lunches and getting to the office late!” you say. Well, yes I am sure you do. BUT do you also like the pile of calls that continues to grow or the paperwork and emails that are not being addressed while you are out having freedom while “working for yourself”. Ha ha – told you it can sting a little. I’m sorry. But it’s true. In order to be successful in any business while working for yourself, you still have to be willing to WORK.
So how can we make staying committed to our work just a little bit easier??
First, lets start with following the first definition lead… we need to show dedication, loyalty and faithfulness to our work. We need to show up and be ready to do what it takes. We need to keep doing it each day that you have planned to be your working days, AND this is the most important part. As my good friend and mentor, Jordan Adler says “Do Not Quit on a bad day.” We need to allow ourselves the ups and downs of a normal job and not pout and throw in the towel anytime we have a bad day. This may not be a problem for you, but it often is for business owners. Be faithful in your work and results will follow.
Second lets make some business like restrictions to our much loved, but often abused, freedom…. we need to treat our business like a business. Stop being the employee you want to fire. Start being your own personal employee of the month!! There are a lot of ways to be in business for yourself, but I am sure a few of these might just apply to you.
Restrict your time watching tv, “playing” on Facebook, the Internet and email. Especially if you are using these things during the workday, they are time suckers! Restrict your time “away” from the office, this might be long lunch dates that are not related to income producing activities or maybe even changing the laundry and then becoming distracted when working at home. Your life could be radically changed by tweaking just a little freedom now into dedicated responsible work time. Restrict your play time now, and be rewarded with much much more play time later.
Commitment takes work. Working for yourself takes work, often more than working for someone else. BUT if this is your dream…. DON’T stop! Re-commit on the bad days to make the next three good days, encourage others and find what success means for you, don’t compare to others – stay devoted, committed, loyal, and faithful to YOUR DREAMS.
And you know what? I BELIEVE IN YOU that you can make them happen.